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By 22/12/2023January 11th, 2024No Comments

Sunday yoga
Vinyasa dancing flow

AIR element: 🌀Cultivate movement and celebrate an air of freedom and rebirth for the new year 🤍

🗓️ SUNDAY, January 7
10h to 11h15
🏠Grand-Rue 28 in Founex
Reservation: Céline +41 79 514 44 73

🧘🏻‍♀️Cette This year, the theme of each session will be Nature and its variations: elements, seasons, kingdoms, … Come and discover through our different yoga and pilates practices a way to reconnect with Nature: its rhythms, its cycles, its mysteries.

🌬 This yoga session will be devoted to the AIR element and its teachings: movement, vitality, joy and liberation!

🪽 Named Vayu in Sanskrit, air allows us to breathe, with full lungs and an open heart ❤️ Source of life, it is directly linked to Prana, energy, the vital force.

Let yourself be carried away by the liberating, all-movement practice of Vinyasa Dancing Flow. And bring a breath of rebirth and joy into the New Year, with Pranayama techniques, playful flows and heart-opening postures. To rediscover the natural state of joie de vivre.

Thank you for confirming your participation and we look forward to seeing you on the mat, as a couple, with friends or for a moment to yourself. 🙏🏼🕉️

Céline +41 79 514 44 73

Time : 10h00-11h15
Price : 30.- chf

Registration by whatsapp : 079 240 72 72